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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: The Journey of the Mid-Market Merchant

Rick Watson, CEO of RMW Commerce, and Industry Advisory Board Member at the MACH Alliance, released research that takes an unbiased look at why mid-market merchants are dissatisfied with legacy platforms and observed the slow decline of major players such as Salesforce and Magento.

In this report, you'll learn:

  • Market Shift: The US mid-market ecommerce sector is evolving, with limited new deployments. Brands opt for top-of-funnel marketing, overlooking the game-changing opportunities in platform innovation.

  • Magento's Decline: Adobe's neglect of Magento has led to a decline in market share and major brands are slowly moving away.

  • Escaping Legacy Costs: Uncover why brands universally dislike their current platforms—excessive maintenance costs, unforeseen total ownership expenses, and the struggle with inflexible structures.

  • Break Free: Explore alternatives beyond the stagnating giants. Rick Watson's report guides mid-market merchants on evaluating solution providers, enabling a seamless transition from legacy platforms.